And the chorus goes here

That’s a reference to 30 Rock (my television North Star?) where Kriss writes a song for Liz. It’s not quite done, but he sings it with gusto anyway. In the last 13 seconds that line popped into my head and now I am going to torture it into a metaphor for how I am feeling right now. I am feeling like….even though last week was in many ways discouraging, it was also extremely informative. I was able to gather some valuable pieces of information that I did not have a week ago. I may not have gotten the answers I wanted but at least now I have a better idea of what I am working with. I have some helpful tips with which to move forward. I have a stronger friendship with a super cool gal. I got to sit at a bar alone and read a book while I ate dinner. I have a bitchin salad to take to work tomorrow, plus the opportunity for more new friendships and connections in the evening. Work isn’t great, but I am taking steps. I am going to figure this out. The universe wants me to figure this out, right? I’m just so ready for the part where the dominos start falling into place and things line up faster than I could have ever imagined. Any time now. GO.

When I get overwhelmed, I think a lot about the quote from Dr. Martin Luther King:

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

I don’t have to know what the answer is, I just need to keep shuffling in the right direction. The answers will start to emerge. And the chorus goes here.


This just in


Everything is garbage